Singleness is not a curse

Hey, all back again I hope all well with you. So I have been thinking and thinking of my next topic and could not think of anything until I saw something on Facebook that said Singleness is not a curse it’s a blessing. And it stopped me in my tracks and I said that’s it, that’s my next blog topic.

And the reason why it stopped me in my tracks was that that’s something that I dealt with for years. For all that have read my previous blogs, you guys know that I have been single all of my life. And so when I was in Middle School and high school it really wasn’t an issue because my mind wasn’t really on dating or boys it was more on sports and church activities.

But then when I hit my mid-twenties it was like wait a minute I am still single I have never been out on a date I have never been in a romantic relationship with a guy and here I am in my mid-twenties what’s going on.

At times the devil would try to make me think I was ugly or that no man wanted me. Which, I now know are lies from the pit of hell. Then when I was in my late twenties say about 27, 28 that’s when the crying started. Yes, I said crying and I mean the ugly cry too. Because in my mind I’m thinking wow I’m almost 30 years old and now I’m getting ready to hit my childbearing ages, and you know how Society and the medical profession tells you once you get in your mid-thirties you’re almost too old to have kids and start a family.  At any given moment I could break down and just start crying because I thought that I would be alone forever and that’s not what I desire. I desire a family and a husband.

When I turned 31 years’ old that’s when God started showing me my purpose in life. And when I tell you that I have been so busy over the past year-and-a-half I don’t even really think about me being single anymore. I know I used to hear people say once you get busy doing God’s work that’s when your husband will come. I’m starting to really believe that because my mind is just simply not bothered by the fact that I’m single, this use to be on my mind every day all day long. Now I don’t even think about it anymore.

Singleness went from being a curse to a blessing because now I’m so busy with Ministry that if my husband was to come at this very moment I would be too busy doing his will. My schedule is so full with music, school, singing engagements, and speaking engagements that to be honest, I don’t even really have time for a relationship right now. Never in a million years would I think that would ever happen to me. So now singleness has become a blessing and a gift to me.

I pray that this blog encourages you and uplifts you. If you are going through this just continue to seek God find out what your purpose is in life and begin to focus on what his plans for your life are. And trust me they will begin to consume your day. They will also begin to consume your mind, and your thoughts of singleness will begin to vanish away.



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